Dear, brothers and sisters.
As you may have already heard/read in the news, we have a new guideline in the state of California.
Unfortunately, our parishes must discontinue INDOOR Masses and other indoor liturgical services, effective immediately.
* No need to call in for daily Masses.
* For the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses, an attendance list of names will still be generated and only those on the list will be allowed on the parish grounds. Please call (805)486-6133 or e-mail [email protected] to be added on the attendance list (ensure a response on the email for confirmation).
Baptisms, first communions, confirmations, weddings, funerals, and quinceñeras will also be outdoors. Only those on the attendance list will be allowed on the parish grounds.
Confessions will be held outside. Please call the office to make an appointment.
***Everyone must wear face coverings and practice social distancing, even outdoors.***
PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC until further notice. Parish staff are available by phone or e-mail.
Please refer to the New Covid Guidelines on Outdoor Masses released by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
Let us trust in Jesus! and pray, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that we may find comfort and understand during these moments of difficulties. Stay safe and continue to help, care and pray for one another. God loves us all!